Wielding Words for 12 - 17 year olds
Promoting a love of language and literacy in young adults through poetry and spoken word.
Available spots
Service Description
Byron Bay & NSW Poetry Slam Champion Sarah Lock presents Wielding Words. A course for young adults aged 12-17 years encouraging freedom of expression, self-confidence and appreciation for all things language and literacy. Participants are guided through the processes of writing and performing poetry with the use of engaging material and interactive exersizes. Providing poetic prompts and gentle guidance, Sarah assists learners in confidently wielding language and harnessing the infinite potential of effective communication. This course has been lovingly crafted to help students build self-assurance and sense-of self while nurturing a respect for and deep understanding of the power or poetry in our modern age.
Contact Details
Ewingsdale Hall, William Flick Lane, Ewingsdale NSW, Australia